The story follows Charlotte, a thirteen year-old girl in the early 19th century, as she makes her way across the Atlantic alone to join her family in America. On the way she encounters dangers, intrigues and adventures which change her outlook on society- and herself- forever. This book is definitely Something More Substantial. READ IT!
Monday, April 14, 2008
The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi
I believe The True Confessions won the Newberry Medal in 1991. I have never felt a book more deserving of that honor. The story examines many themes. Honor, truth, justice, sacrifice, honesty, and the idea that sometimes events change us forever in ways which make it impossible to return to our former lives are a few of these. I LOVED this book. It was exciting, well-written and I couldn't put it down. I read the entire thing in half a day.
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Sounds good! :)
Another to be added to my TBR list. It is getting way too big.
I'm so glad you loved it, too! I am making my way through P&P- so not what I was expecting. Don't give up on Mists. It took me an entire summer to read the whole thing. It's worth it, I promise!
would it be okay to email some info on a book called Fade to Blue by Sean Beaudoin (Little, Brown)? let me know! thx...
You can leave whatever info in the comments section of my most recent post. I don't give out personal info including my email address.
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